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This Incredible Steampunk Computer PC Case Mod is Amazing! [pics]

Having seen a number of case mod competitions over the years as well as all of the ones I have posted that I have just stumbled across, I am no stranger to amazing pc mods.  However, I think this steampunk case mod might just be the greatest pc case mod I have ever seen!
A couple of years ago, I posted a spectacular steampunk desk and computer modthat I find to be one of the most impressive steampunk creations I have ever seen.  Well, now we have a new king of steampunk computer case mods with this incredible one below that isn’t just a case mod but also a steampunk keyboard, monitor and more!
Reddit user CodyOdi built this amazing Steampunk pc mod which looks like the ultimate machine for playing Bioshock Infinite! I love how he went the extra mile and gave his keyboard, monitor and even speakers a steampunk overhaul.  I officially give this guy the title of God of Steampunk!
For those curious what the case originally looked like before the steampunk mod, I have posted a picture of the original case below the finished project pictures.
Share this with any steampunk lovers, Bioshock Infinite fans and case modders you know!  Like us on Facebook too!
Bioshock Infinite Case Mod
Steampunk Computer Mod
Steampunk Case Mod
Steampunk PC Case Mod
The Original Case
The Original Case
[Source:  Reddit]


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