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Corresponding to "Hotmail/Gmail & Networking Tips"

So by that information, you can receive up to four e-mails, automatically forwarded to your hotmail. As a networker, I divide up my notifications so that I don't get behind or lose tract of my important mail.

I use several Gmail accounts to register each account. Each one is set up to send e-mails to Hotmail Folders, labeled to each account name. Therefore, I can keep tracked of each account, by category, account name, site and place.

I have more then one facebook, twitter and Google Plus account, which makes sense to another networker. To divide all those notifications, I will also need more then one Hotmail to receive and browse through them. That way, things don't get too messy and also I can be more organized.

To run a healthy network, I feel that things should not ever be able to get behind.
I don't want to spend a life time of sorting and trying to keep up on things.
I created a network for a purpose and I just want to run it!

Think this sounds like to much work having more then one Hotmail? Do what I did!

Just link up your hotmail ID's

You can merge up to five hotmail accounts! Once you have it set up, it's like turning a webpage.

How I have it: each hotmail is used for a certain account, broke up into five types such as:

(1.) Facebook Accounts Updates

(2.) Twitter Accounts Updates

(3.) Google Accounts Updates

(4.) Subscriptions & Updates From other Sites

(5.) - my official contact for anyone who wants to e-mail me:)


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